Mrs. Serita Jakes sits at her desk.
Mrs. Serita Jakes sits at her desk.

Visionary Perspective

As the visionary of Distinctively Her, it is both an honor and a privilege to address our extraordinary community of women. Our organization is a tapestry of diverse stories, unique strengths, and shared aspirations, and it is your collective vitality that makes Distinctively Her truly exceptional.

In the spirit of empowerment that defines our mission, I want to express my gratitude for your commitment to personal and communal growth. Distinctively Her stands as a beacon, not just for what we are individually, but for the strength we find in unity. Together, we are shaping a narrative of empowerment, resilience, and limitless possibilities.

As we journey forward, let us continue to extend a helping hand to one another, creating a network of support and inspiration. Our shared experiences, challenges, and triumphs build the foundation for a community that fosters growth and celebrates individual and collective success.

I encourage you to explore the various programs, events, and resources available to you on our platform. Distinctively Her is not just an organization; it is a dynamic space where women can thrive, learn, and connect. Take advantage of the opportunities before you, and let us together create a legacy of empowerment for generations to come.

Thank you for being an integral part of the Distinctively Her family. Your presence enriches our community, and your unique voice contributes to the vibrant tapestry we are weaving together.

Mrs. Serita Jakes

Our Team

Introducing the trailblazers behind Distinctively Her, a dedicated team committed to fostering empowerment and unity among women.

Distinctively Her Partnerships